STEM teaching

S.T.E.M (Science – Technology – Engineering – Math) is new educational trend which integrates multidisciplinary knowledge and skills as one program for schools. My STEM teaching locates in two areas:T (Technology) and E (Engineering). Within these areas, robotics and programming are cross-cutting domains that underpin most other fields.

Teaching kids Read more... “STEM teaching”

Điều Giản Dị (Simple Thing)

Song: Điều Giản Dị (Simple Thing)

Songwriter: Phu Quang

Music: Hakara (app)

Voice: Harley



Điều Giản Dị

Dịu dàng hạt nắng đùa nhẹ trên áo

Đôi môi em gọi bao khát khao

Mắt em vời vợi đăm đắm trời cao

Em mong manh tựa rừng cây trút rơi … Read more... “Điều Giản Dị (Simple Thing)”

“Fly high Vietnam” – the final project of Scratch programming by Annie (grade 5)

“Fly high Vietnam” (“Bay Cao Việt Nam”)

The final project of Scratch programming by Annie, a grade-5 student of CS001’s course trained by STEAM FOR VIETNAM

Click on the green flag to play or go to project here.

Read more... ““Fly high Vietnam” – the final project of Scratch programming by Annie (grade 5)”