Best Lightweight Linux Distributions For Older Computers

(Source: It's FOSS)

What do you do with your old computers? The one which once had good a hardware configuration but now potentially outdated.

Why not revive your old computer with Linux? I am going to list the best lightweight Linux distributions that you can use on old

Read more... “Best Lightweight Linux Distributions For Older Computers”

NXP NTAG21x variants

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Up to now, there are about 3.4 billion active smartphones in the world today and 2+ billion of them are NFC-enabled devices. These devices belong to 20%+ population of the world, according to NFC Forum

Additionally, NFC Tags to Break 10 Billion Barrier by 2023 … Read more... “NXP NTAG21x variants”

STEM teaching

S.T.E.M (Science – Technology – Engineering – Math) is new educational trend which integrates multidisciplinary knowledge and skills as one program for schools. My STEM teaching locates in two areas:T (Technology) and E (Engineering). Within these areas, robotics and programming are cross-cutting domains that underpin most other fields.

Teaching kids Read more... “STEM teaching”

Fixing C/C++ plugin installation error on Apache Netbeans 12.x

This error originated from recent new JDK 15 release which eliminated “Unpack200” bin from the package as C++ plugin hasn’t been available anymore under new “Netbeans Distribution” term.

If you encounter this, follow steps below to fix:

Step 1: Install JDK 11

Step 2: and reinstall JDK 15

Step 3: … Read more... “Fixing C/C++ plugin installation error on Apache Netbeans 12.x”

Installation guide for adding ESP32 to Eclipse on Linux

I assume you are already familiar with Eclipse on a Linux environment (Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora…). There are several ways to work with ESP32 boards, the easiest approach is with Arduino IDE. And if you are using Eclipse for coding, you can add the ESP32 plugin easily by the following … Read more... “Installation guide for adding ESP32 to Eclipse on Linux”